9 Easy Ways To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

All across the country, efforts are being made to “go green.” We’ve banned plastic straws, plastic bags and more changes are coming. We’re all about “clean and green” here at Glitter Guide, and we try to do our part as much as possible. Because let’s be honest, every little bit helps when it comes to preserving our planet! So how can we make our own homes more eco-friendly? It only takes a few simple swaps to make a dent in a larger impact.

Go To The Store

We can pretty much Amazon Prime anything we need for our homes. Heck, even Target is offering 2-day delivery these days. But with online purchases comes packaging material. I don’t know about you, but I’m always amazed at the amount of cardboard and plastic that comes with an online order. Keep a list of things you need and make a trip to the store to pick up whatever you need. Save that online purchase for only when absolutely necessary.

Ban plastic bottles at home

This is a no-brainer. Get everyone in your household at least two reusable water bottles and thermoses to take their drinks on the go. A lot of coffee shops and cafes will give you a discount for bringing your own cup, so it’s a win-win.

Shop reusable bottles:


Swap dryer sheets for dryer balls

Not only are dryer sheets full of gross chemicals, they’re also just a bunch of landfill waste. I switched to these dryer balls earlier this year and I love them! No more trash, better for you and lasts forever.

Shop dryer balls:


Need something “new”? Go vintage!

Need a new coffee table? Go vintage! Need a new rug? Go vintage! Not only are vintage finds super stunning for your home, but they are also less items headed to the landfill. Check out our Top 7 Home Items You Should Always Buy Vintage.

Embrace greenery

Houseplants are proven to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Your body will appreciate it, and your house will look so happy and fresh.

Shop houseplants:


Cut out the aerosol

This is actually in way more products than you’d think. Cleaning products, sunscreens and fragrance sprays are just a few of the most common aerosol culprits. Look for sprays that are aerosol-free or better yet, make them yourself! Essential oil diffusers are a great alternative to room sprays.

Shop non-aerosol products:


Stock up on bamboo

Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on the planet, so if you need “wood” items for your home, consider bamboo as an alternative.

Shop bamboo decor:


Choose cloth

Paper towels are the bane of any environmentalist’s existence. Kill two birds with one stone and clean out your T-shirt drawer. Any shirts that you would toss, cut up into rags. Create a designated rag basket and wash them all at once. Rinse, and repeat as necessary.


Commit to reusable containers

You can make a big impact by ditching plastic bags in all shapes and sizes. Pick up some cute reusable grocery bags and keep them in the back of your car. Break up with plastic sandwich bags and tinfoil by switching to reusable bee’s wrap cotton wraps. I’ve had the same set for almost 3 years now! Swap plastic containers for metal or glass, and order a pack of reusable metal straws. I keep this cute little set in my car for my trips to Starbucks.

Shop reusable containers:


This post was updated and adapted from this article originally posted on Glitter Guide in 2018. 


Main + featured image via our home tour with Courtney Ramsey.

Coastal Carolina University Life