It’s Time To Give Your Home Office A Glow Up

2020 forced most people to piece together a workstation with as little time as possible, so if your home office doesn’t exactly sparkle and shine like a Pinterest-esque escape, we promise not to judge you. I’ve been working from home for 5 years now, and I’m still constantly thinking of ways to personalize my space while remaining as productive as possible.

Better Furniture

It’s finally time to invest in that gorgeous desk you’ve been imagining yourself writing your memoir at. Get those matching shelves you’ve been stalking on Instagram. It’s clear that working from home is officially here to stay, so it’s time to shop for those missing investment pieces that are going to round off your home office. It’s time to make function and beauty king again, and yes, they can go hand-in-hand if that’s your preference.

Once I changed out my old hand-me-down desk for one of my choice that I knew aesthetically and productively would be perfect for me, things changed for the better. I switched to an L-shaped desk, which helped me feel better prepared when it came to multitasking, and working on multiple projects in a day. I could do it all in one place without being surrounded by piles of paperwork, and it was an immediate game-changer.

Our Picks:


Background Upgrades

We should all have something nice to look at while we’re working. What are you looking at while you WFH? Make Zoom meetings less frazzled by keeping a neat area around you, and add visually pleasing elements into your office. It’s been known to increase productivity.

After being gifted a beautiful alpaca rug from Peru, I instantly knew it belonged on my office wall, behind my desk. It’s an official conversation starter on all of my video conferences, and it gives me an opportunity to discuss my culture with people as well.

Our Picks:


Organization and Storage

Once I moved into my own home office, my supplies quickly multiplied and I was surrounded with little important bobbles that I needed to keep track of. As a paper planner, you can immediately guess that I go through a lot of paper. I use them for notes, planning trips, journaling, brainstorming, etc.

Without storage solutions, you will surely get overwhelmed with all of the things. Finding an organizational method that works best for you is crucial to giving your home office a glow up. I like to incorporate my bookshelves into my storage. I mix my books with decorative boxes holding all of my loose ends.

Our Picks:


Ergonomic Help

Say hello to pain and ache solutions with a tool kit of ergonomic products, made for people like us that work and play from home, and may also depend on our tech for longer periods of time than the average person.

I’ve had back pains for years that had gotten worse and worse until I finally decided that I had enough. There’s only so much magical CBD cream out there that I could use; I needed a better solution. It was time to invest…in the $500 chair I had been drooling over for months. After spending another searching my options, I asked my boyfriend for advice. Sometimes it just takes that other person to tell you that it’s important to invest in yourself.

Considering that I spent most of my day locked in my home office happily working away, I couldn’t afford not to invest in a proper desk chair. I settled on the Autonomous ErgoChair Pro, and I truly regret not making this choice sooner.

Our Picks:


featured + main image via our office tour with Rachel Parcell

Coastal Carolina University Life