The Morning Routine of MAGIC Founder, Entrepreneur & Actress, Natalee Linez

Ever wanted to take a deep dive into the magical morning routine of an entrepreneur? We’ve got you covered.

My name is Natalee Linez and I’m an actress and entrepreneur who made her mark in the health and wellness industry when I created MAGIC Mornings. MAGIC is a morning routine journaling method that focuses on empowering women to live to their highest potential, all while advocating for the integration of mental health and wellness tools into schools across the country. I’m also currently filming STARZ “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” and you can find me as the lead in a new Gravitas Ventures film as well as a recurring character on Freeform’s “Siren.” Here’s a look at what my morning routine looks like.

What time do you wake up in the morning, and how do you wake up? 

I wake up between 5:00 and 5:30 am almost every morning. In 2019 I read a book called “The 5 am Club” and I was pretty much sold on the concept after the first chapter! I totally understand that it sounds insane to wake up that early, but your body truly gets used to it.

I don’t like looking at my phone first thing in the morning so I bought a traditional alarm clock to create this habit. Consistency is key with this one!

I am a huge advocate of waking up 1-2 hours before your normal day begins. After browsing through articles of scientific studies, reading about the psychology of “The Good Life”, listening to multiple podcasts of some of the highest performers on earth, and my personal experience, you really do have a happier and more productive day when you wake up earlier than you’re supposed to. The way in which you start your day is likely how the rest of your day will go.

How do you like your coffee? 

I go through phases. I am currently getting iced oat milk lattes with an added shot. When I make coffee at home, I use a Bialetti, froth whole milk and pour the frothed milk over the coffee. Surprisingly, I don’t do sugar in my coffee. I have the biggest sweet tooth but for some reason, I don’t like it in my coffee! But again, I do go through phases so who knows what my coffee future has in store for me! I love new coffee recipes so if you have any, plzzz DM!

What’s on your bedside table? 

My bedside table contains a reading light that I wear around my neck, a book (currently reading “How to Build a Goddamn Empire” by Ali Krugman), and a candle.

Do you prepare for your mornings the night before? If so, how? 

Often times I write out a “to-do” list for the following day. I’m not hard on myself if I don’t accomplish them, it’s more of a reminder for myself. Morning routines are very important to me, so I already created the daily habit of what to do in the AM rather than having to prepare the night before.

But in the beginning, I definitely would write out, step-by-step what I would do each morning as well as my to-do list for the day.

What is your skincare/body care rituals? 

For skincare I have a morning and night regimen that look pretty similar, the only difference is that I don’t wash my face with cleanser in the mornings, just rinse with water.

Here’s a step-by-step!

AM: Rinse face, spray toner, vitamin C serum (currently using Drunk Elephant), under-eye moisturizer, and then the most important- SPF (currently using Super goop unseen sunscreen).

PM: Face cleanser, toner, night serum, under-eye moisturizer, moisturizer!

And for body, TBH, I don’t have any rituals just a simple shower.

What does your morning routine flow look like? 

5:00-5:30 am: Read. I’m usually switching between two books but I want to be better about just knocking one at a time out! Anyone else do this?!

5:30-6:00 am: I do my magical morning routine. It’s called The M.A.G.I.C Journal and it goes like this (Meditation, Affirmations, Gratitude, Intentions, and Coffee) I do a ten-minute guided meditation on the app insight timer or YouTube, write 3 affirmations, write 3 things I am grateful for, write 3 intentions and for “Coffee” there is a motivating quote to kickstart my day.

6:00-6:30 am/7:00 am: Work out/Move my body (Yoga, BodybyBina Pilates, or the Nike training app)

7:00 am- Make coffee and I usually start to work at this time! I make my breakfast at around 8:00 am.

Of course, there are some days that look different. But because of the structure and routine set in place each morning, it allows spontaneity. Meaning that I feel grounded enough to switch it up if I need to or if something comes up! But waking up at 5:00 am allows me those extra hours in the day to really take care of myself so I can have a more successful day for myself and everyone around me.

When do you kick off your workday? And do you have any starting-work rituals?

Around 7:00 or 8:00 am! Before I start, I need to make sure I engage in something mindful. What I do for my mindfulness is the MAGIC method that I spoke about earlier! It has truly transformed my life. So many of us wake up, immediately check our phone, and are bombarded with different outlets vying for our attention. This leads to immediate anxiety and could eventually lead to depression (science backs this!). If we can change our daily routine slightly, ditch our phones for the first hour of the day, and swap it with mindfulness we would live in a higher vibrating world.

How does your morning routine change on the weekends? 

The only thing I am more lenient with on the weekend is the time I wake up. I sleep in an extra hour or so until around 6:00-6:30 am. I maintain my morning routine because I know that consistency is key! Of course, there are some days that will inevitably be missed and that’s ok. But if I start slipping every weekend chances are I won’t keep it up during the weekdays either. After doing the routine for a couple of weeks it becomes a habit anyway.

What does your mindset look like at the beginning of the day? Do you have any tips or tools for getting in a good mindset? 

I have cultivated the daily practices I have spoken about above, to keep up a healthy mindset. Some days are harder than others. Not checking your phone is one of the healthiest tips I have ever practiced. Some ways to help implement this would be to: Set your phone across the room so you don’t wake up and immediately check it, create a separate habit like immediately waking up and grabbing a book, delete social apps each night to train yourself to not click on them first thing in the morning.

Some of these tactics may seem extreme but once you create the habit, you will have it for good! Overall my mindset is optimistic, ready for a good day.

What’s non-negotiable vs. what does an extra-luxurious morning look like?

Honestly- my extra-luxurious mornings are the same as my non-negotiable mornings.

Let me explain… I truly enjoy waking up and having a mindful morning to myself. I feel the difference when I don’t create the time and space to do so. I understand we all have different lives and some of us have kids, demanding jobs, and exterior responsibilities. I promise you, if you put some effort into it, you CAN create 15 extra minutes of time for YOU. By doing this you will be more equipped to take care of others, execute your goals for the day, and have an overall more peaceful and joy-filled day.

What would you like to improve with your mornings? 

I need to create the habit of eating a healthy breakfast! I tend to go for my bars or green juice. I am totally aware of the importance of having a nutritious and filling breakfast so I would like to find some good recipes to try. Have any?! Again, slide in those DM’s!

What’s your #1 recommendation to others who struggle with mornings?

Start small. Start slow. Want to wake up earlier? Start in 15-minute increments. Set your alarm for just 15 minutes earlier than usual, use that time for a few days, then gradually add a little more.

Try habit stacking. If you wake up and brush your teeth every single morning, stack a new healthy habit on top of that like drinking a glass of water or reading for ten minutes.

This will ease you into your day. The worst thing you can do is wake up and rush into your day not even taking a single conscious breath! If this does sound like you, it’s okay! We all do it. Be proud that you are taking the first step by reading this and being interested in a more mindful morning.

There’s a quote I love that says “If you lose an hour in your morning you will spend the rest of the day looking for it.” Don’t spend your whole day looking for that hour, create it for yourself.

Coastal Carolina University Life